Contact Details

You may wish to comment about some of the things you have read, or share your own experiences. We are happy to exchange links with Greek travel related sites and publish them on the links page. General travel links will be added to a different site.
Meteora - Trikala - Greece

Interested in advertising your Meteora related business?

An advert can be created for any business related to Meteora (hotel, shop, restaurant, car hire etc.) A full page ad will cost £100, half a page £50. This is a one-off permanent advertisement for the duration of the site. Any future amendments to the advertisement would be at our normal update rates. Payments can be made online by credit card.

The site normally attracts over unique 200 visitors each week. Please feel free to contact us using the email form below.

Meteora - Trikala - Greece

Please complete the form below and click on Submit to send us your message by email. Our postal address is at the foot of the page.


Meteora - Trikala - Greece

Mrs Booth
17 Fennfields Road
South Woodham Ferrers

Telephone: 0044 (0)1245 325 273
Meteora - Trikala - Greece